Custom Equipment
We pride ourselves with the ability to adapt and modify all current product lines to fit the needs of our customers. We often have customers who come to us with new ideas and problems that can be solved with adaptions of our various detectors and probes. The following are some examples of various products that we have developed;
- Custom Backpack Units
- Gamma Ray Spectroscopy
- Smaller, form-factor Neutron Pulse Monitors
Quaesta devices are designed around a micro-controller with proprietary firmware, and they are broadly programmable. This makes them a flexible platform for customization.
Our neutron products have been modified for use with a variety of detectors – including Xenon10 proportional counters, beta/gamma proportional counters, Geiger counter arrays, and gamma spectrometers.
We also integrate radiation detectors, generic environmental sensors, data loggers and communications equipment into rugged instruments for use in the field. Products include vehicle mounted neutron and gamma radiation monitoring instruments, fixed environmental monitoring stations, man-portable backpacks and cases for radiation detection, small portal monitors, etc.
We work with partners in government laboratories, academia and the private sector to develop new products. Contact us to discuss your particular application.
Want more information? Email us at: info@quaestainstruments.com or call us at (520) 882 3706