In order for Industry leaders to take advantage of new, emerging fields of study they need to be able to rely upon their products. Quaesta Instruments stands by the quality of our devices and offers custom tooled electronics to better fit the needs of our customers. In order to provide high quality products, Quaesta Instruments specializes in three areas;
- Neutron Monitoring and Measurements
- Data-Logging and Field Data Communication
- Gamma-Spectroscopy
The Quaesta line of Neutron Pulse Monitors has been deployed word wide; from the Arctic to the Mohave Desert and in order to ensure our devices will hold up to the most extreme climates we take each of our devices through a series of rigorous tests. We stand by our products and offer user support for any problems that may occur through the life of our devices.
To learn more about our custom equipment, click here or contact us at: info@quaestainstruments.com or
(520) 882 3706