Introducing the Neuchrometer
The Neuchrometer is Quaesta Instruments’ newest addition to its line of digital neutron pulse monitors, and has many advantages over...
Quaesta and Gamma Ray
Future Research While Quaesta Instruments has made a name for its self in the field of neutron detection, we have begun to expand into...

Product Spotlight: Backpack Neutron Detector
Quaesta Instruments has just finished designing and manufacturing a portable backpack neutron detector. The system uses two 1” x 1’...

Product Spotlight: Neutron Pulse Monitor (Part 1)
Quaesta’s Neutron Pulse Monitor (NPM-3000) has several unique features that separate it from a standard preamplifier and allow it to be...

Product Spotlight: Neutron Pulse Monitor (Part 2)
The first part of the Neutron Pulse Monitor Product spotlight focused on the Multichannel Analyzer and how it makes setting up the device...